Determination of Glyphosate in human urine from farmers in Mato Grosso-BR


  • Karolyne Gramlich de Melo Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • Siomara Regina Ferreira Jacobucci
  • Celia Regina Garlipp
  • Ângelo Zanaga Trape
  • Paulo César Pires Rosa



Glyphosate; pesticides; occupational exposure; rural workers.


This study was conducted based on the evaluation of glyphosate levels present in rural workers in the region of Nova Mutum-MT. We analyzed 90 urine samples from farmers between 2017 and 2018. The samples were analyzed based on the development of the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-FL) method. The results showed that 12% of the farmers presented glyphosate levels, but that the highest concentration determined by the method used was not above the limits allowed by Brazilian regulators. The HPLC-FL method proved to be practical and accurate for the determination of glyphosate in urine samples with limits of detection and quantification of 0.34 and 1.15ng/mL, respectively.

These data show the importance of evaluating the occupational exposure of farmers to adopt strategies for the biomonitoring of this region, considering that casual exposures to pesticides can generate health risks, as well as cases of intoxication.




How to Cite

de Melo, K. G., Ferreira Jacobucci, S. R. ., Garlipp, C. R., Zanaga Trape, Ângelo ., & Pires Rosa, P. C. . (2020). Determination of Glyphosate in human urine from farmers in Mato Grosso-BR . InterAmerican Journal of Medicine and Health, 3.



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