Infection COVID-19 in adults.


  • Angel Santillan Haro 0603006271


COVID-19: SARS-CoV-2; infection, testing


Humanity known coronaviruses; three of the most important outbreaks in recent years have been by this family. As of December 31, 2019, reported the first cases associated with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, a beta coronavirus, which so far has caused thousands of infections, to the point of declaring a global pandemic on March 11, 2019. Many of the aspects related to infection with this coronavirus are unknown this is believed to originate from human contact with bats and pangolins. The transmission of the virus is through contact with respiratory secretions; however, other possible forms of transmission such as gastrointestinal secretions, ocular secretions, are studied. The symptoms are very nonspecific; there may even be asymptomatic people, carriers of the virus, who can infect others for up to 24 days. Carrying out specific tests for the viral detection of SARS-CoV-2 are the gold standard, but their high costs limit their use in many countries, serology tests are an option due to their low costs, but they can give us false negatives.



How to Cite

Santillan Haro, A. (2020). Infection COVID-19 in adults. InterAmerican Journal of Medicine and Health, 3, 1–21. Retrieved from



COVID-19 under review